Would you like to know more about the people and the programs featured in Angry Kids & Stressed Out Parents?
You can watch all the ‘extra’ videos on the playlist we created on our YouTube channel
Visit the websites for the interventions we featured (and a couple we couldn’t squeeze in because of time):
- Triple P Parenting: http://www.triplep-parenting.net/alb-en/home/
- The PAX Good Behavior Game: http://goodbehaviorgame.org
- Abecedarian: http://abc.fpg.unc.edu
- The Nurse-Family Partnership: http://www.nursefamilypartnership.org/proven-results/published
- PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies): http://www.prevention.psu.edu/projects/paths.html
- Want to dig deeper? The Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence, at the Institute of Behavioral Science, University of Colorado Boulder, has a website where you can search for programs by specific criteria: http://www.blueprintsprograms.com/programSearch.php
Monique Lépine spent 17 years in silence after the killings at the Ecole Polytechnique. It was after the 2006 shooting at Dawson College in Montreal that she finally spoke out in hopes that by telling her story she could make a difference. She subsequently wrote the book Aftermath (Vivre in French), with journalist Harold Gagné. She speaks frequently now in schools, churches and prisons. http://www.moniquelepine.com