We’re always looking for great characters who can make a story come alive and who aren’t afraid to speak their minds. When the subject is as close to home – ha ha – as problems with condos, most people want to keep their heads down. Not David Fleming! A realtor turned condo-consumer activist after he got burned himself a few years ago when he bought a pre-construction condo, Fleming is not afraid to bite the hand that feeds him.

Fleming hasn’t endeared himself to developers in Toronto with his popular blog http://www.torontorealtyblog.com/. He’s as candid and colloquial in print as he is in person – a straight shooter who is not afraid to call it as he sees it. He’s not afraid to point the finger at developers, other realtors, city hall, and even consumers who buy into the condo hype without doing their homework. He’s inflammatory but fair.
Fleming is one of the outspoken voices in The Condo Game, premiering on CBC Doc Zone Thursday November 21 @ 9 pm. After we interviewed Fleming, we filmed his spiel on why you shouldn’t buy a condo before it’s built – no matter how good it looks in the developer’s brochure! http://www.cbc.ca/player/Shows/Shows/Doc+Zone/Extras/ID/2410895931/
– Lionel Goddard & Helen Slinger, The Condo Game directors