Two Interventions We Don’t Want You to Miss

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There are two programs that we filmed but just couldn’t squeeze into the documentary – worthy interventions with strong evidence-based results.

But we still want to share them with you!  They are the Nurse Family Partnership and Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies.

The Nurse Family Partnership pairs mothers  (often young, single and poor) with community-based nurses from pregnancy right through the first two years of life. The nurses teach parenting skills. But most importantly, they build relationships that provide critical emotional support, often when there’s very little from anyone else.

Three decades of evidence-based studies show remarkable results:

We met up with a few nurses and their clients in a park in Everett Washington:

Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies, or PATHS, is a program co-founded by Dr. Mark Greenberg. It aims to teach children the basics of social and emotional learning. We filmed this particular PATHS program in a Head Start school in Tacoma, Washington. Every child in this classroom lives below the poverty line.

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